Thursday, June 21, 2012

Welcome to Chỉ Thiện

Welcome to Nhà Xư Chỉ Thiện. This is one of the places that I spent my days in. It's basically a courtyard where the Parish Priest stays at. Because my Aunt works for the local parish priest, I generally spend about 3 or 4 times a week here. How I pass time; is a wonder for me.

Most of my entertainment here is either teaching english or hanging about :)

The back Cabbage field
Where babies are born ;)
The main entrance to the courtyard
Fishing for fishes; Vietnamese style

My Experience:
So the photo says it all. One of the fastest way to catch fish from the back pond is to catch it with a net. Sadly, no one understood me when I say 'Let's go fishing' aka fishing with an ACTUAL fishing rod and not with a fishing net =__= "

The guy on the phone is one of the priest's helpers. He is actually studying to become a priest this year. BUT he is good at fixing computers and broken down technology. He was actually pretty shy the first time I met him. But when he opened up, man! he was funny.

Below is a small video I recorded when I was in Vietnam ... it was basically me showing you what the Parish courtyard looks like ... Sadly I didn't plan to do much filming

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