Monday, October 4, 2010

Art + Nails = Nail Art

Everyone in my family basically have a special skill and/ or talent. Like my older sister, who has a strength in drawing. My younger sister, was more in the drama/ acting and english based subjects and for my younger brother, his more into maths and numbers rather than english. As for me, I'm better at art as in drawing and creating. But my strength also lies in leadership skills and dealing with business and numbers.

So anyways, because both me and my older sister have a talent for drawing and creating artwork we both can do nail art. Nail art is getting nail polish and creating pictures and designs on each individual nail. Well, it started off with my older sister learning different designs from my brother-in-law's sister (who worked as a nail designer) and after that my older sister did different nail designs on my nails. Which after awhile, I started to copy and eventually I could do the same designs on my nails or someone else. This was because holding the brush involved a strong and steady hand to paint the different designs.

So here are some nail designs

This is the special pen used to do small detailed designs

Some of the nail art pens and polishes/ brushes I have ^^

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