What made me think about this issue of waiting for someone to come back to you is that is it worth waiting for them? Like, say that you promised to wait for them and after a year or 2 you finally meet them again, do things goes back to how they were or how you left off? What would happen after 1 or 2 years apart?
It’s kind of hard to predict what would happen ... really. I think the only answer is if you love them and they mean everything to you and that leaving is the only option then its worth waiting for them to come back to you, if they also feel the same. I have a friend that has been in a relationship for almost 3 or 4 years now and their relationship is still going strong. This is because the ‘guy’ was forced to join the army in Singapore for about 2 or 3 years, to serve his country, so his girlfriend waited for him. From what I heard from him, his training will be done by 2011.
Some would say that waiting for someone shows commitment and it would strengthen your current relationship too. Well, that’s mainly other people’s opinion. So my question is, is it worth waiting for someone? And will things get picked up after a certain time apart from one another?

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